Team Spotlight: Leigh Homer, Director of Customer Success

Team Spotlight: Leigh Homer, Director of Customer Success
Aug 22, 2023
We tilt the team spotlight on Leigh Homer, Director of Customer Success.

As our Director of Customer Success, Leigh is tasked with ensuring our customers are deriving the most value from our software. 

In the following Q&A, we get to know a bit more about Leigh, her background, achievements, inspirations, and more. 

Hi Leigh, can you tell us a bit about your background?

I have quite a varied background which, I think, has really helped within the world of customer success.  

Having started out at a financial firm supporting financial advisors, I moved into Professional Development, working with heads of departments to understand and plan their teams’ training needs. I trained in coaching & mentoring, training needs analysis, and internal communications, and ran the company’s Employee Engagement programme.  

I eventually moved into software and the wonderful world of Customer Success. Working in a small SaaS (Software as a Service) provider of webform and SMS survey products for well-known businesses, I would advise the team on business changes needed to improve their customer experience.

I then found Clue, and I haven’t looked back!

What does your role at Clue entail?

Having recently moved into the role of Director of Customer Success, I am working closely with our Customer Success Managers or ‘CSMs’ to ensure that all our customers are maximising their value from Clue. But, more importantly, that we understand what ‘value’ means to our customers.  

We aim to serve as partners to our customers, working closely with them to understand their challenges and find solutions. But we also want to help them plan for the future and support them in getting to where they need to be. We are the customer ‘voice’ within the company and are with them at every step of their Clue journey.  

What inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

When I moved into my first Customer Success role I was within an incredibly talented team, and I was just in awe of what they did!  

I learned everything I could from them, and this was really where I found my passion for customer success.

There is no other job like it. 

In terms of successes, which accomplishments are you most proud of?

It must be having the opportunity to head up the amazing Customer Success team here at Clue. They are excellent at what they do, and I am excited to continue the journey with them.

What motivates you about working at Clue?

Clue is one of very few companies where you will find that every single person working there genuinely cares about what they do.  

Although we have different teams and various objectives, we are all working with the same purpose and with the same goal of supporting our customers who have some of the most important jobs in protecting our society.  

How could I not be motivated?  

Do you have any secret talents?

Some people may know this, but I can eat fire and I have worked as a professional stilt walker.

Tell me something about you that most people don’t know.

I rode horses from the age of 6 through to 28, and competed in showing jumping, cross country, and a little dressage – my horse was not a fan of dressage!

Interested in joining Leigh and the team at Clue? Look at our latest openings here. 

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