
Protecting safe and fair environments
It is the right of everybody to live, work and play without the risk of experiencing abuse or neglect. Individuals and organisations have a duty to implement and ensure adherence to good safeguarding policies and procedures that provide equal protection to those they serve, employ and are responsible for.
Clue for safeguarding
From safeguarding, child protection, hate crime and extremism, organisations are using Clue’s intelligence and investigations capabilities to support the provision of safe and equal environments, protect vulnerable members of society, and to ensure wrongdoers are held to account.

Ensure trust and confidence among vulnerable
Clue provides a range of secure referral mechanisms adhering to data privacy and confidentiality principles to ensure witnesses and victims have the confidence to come forward. Referrals can be made anonymously using Clue webforms with information recorded directly into your system. Automated responses to referrals can ensure that witnesses and victims are reassured of whistleblowing protection policies and investigation procedures.

Identify links between new and existing information
As soon as new information is added into your system, Clue will begin notifying you of links between data helping you to substantiate and develop information before determining a course of action. Data visualisation tools such as charting and mapping provides a new perspective of connections, while link reasons enable you to add context to relationships.

Easily generate and share reports
Reports, including notices and case files, can be created quickly from Clue using configurable templates while ensuring source protection. Links between information can be highlighted on reports and option to add attachments and data visualisation adds additional context and detail. Reports can be shared with law enforcement and other organisations securely via Clue API or using PDF exports.
A single application for investigations and intelligence
Conduct end-to-end investigation and intelligence operations with one application, from first referral to case file.
Trusted by
Clue is trusted by 5000+ investigation professionals worldwide, spanning law enforcement,
government, not for profit, corporate and sports organisations.